I'm slowly becoming convinced that working as a FX counter girl is turning me into the biggest asshole in the world. Although I must say, after working for roughly three short months, I learnt a lot, learnt to resent a lot and just generally facepalmed a lot.
Here are some examples of what reaaaaally tick me off.
1. People that scrunch their money.
Ok you guys are more of an asshole than me. Why the hell would you do such a thing? There's nothing more annoying than trying to count money out when all the notes want to do is curl into a giant pretzel-like orgy. I hate you people with a passion, ffs buy a wallet or something. ):2. People that LOVES going through this particular dialogue with me.
A.k.a Maths Noobs.
Nib: Uhh... I'd like to buy some Euros. What's the rate today?
Me: The rate today is .6867 for you to buy sir.
Nib: So if I give you AUD 100 how much Euros would I get?
Me: ... -facepalm-
Even a primary school kid, can very safely assume, 100 x 0.6867 = 68.67 Why the hell do you have to ask?
A slight variation for the ones that are "tech-smart"
Techie: What's the rate for USD?
Me: 0.8548 for you to buy.
Techie: -whips out an iphone-
Me: ... -watches-
After about 10 mins. . .
Techie: so how much would I get for AUD 100? 200? 500? 800?
What the hell is the iPhone for then? :/ so duma.
What the hell is the iPhone for then? :/ so duma.
3. Super stupid questions.
Another Noob: You know Australian currency has dollars and cents yeah?
Me: yes...
AN: Do Euros have cents?
Me: -head desk-
Noob: Do you exchange money here?
Me: obviously not. 3:
4. Moneygrams.
Ring ding ding ding ding ~ what's the rate to India today? How much if I send 200? Why the fee so much? Ok I send 50 only? Where's the pen? Where's the form? Oh I need the ID? Where can they receive the money? How come the rate's so little? Give me better rate? ... and then -plasters forehead against the glass-
5. People who assume they have a lot of money.
Woman: I have $1500 dollars I want to exchange into USD. -looks around- Is this place secure? -goes and shuts the door-
Me: .... OTL -raises eyebrows-
Me: .... OTL -raises eyebrows-
6. General weirdos.
Random Indian guy: are you 17? Are you Viet? Are you Korean? Will you marry me for $800/month?
Me: duma. -looks at his moneygram ($50 to India) Really now? You can afford me?
Yes... my job. It's just THAT exciting~