Sunday, May 17, 2009

Read between the lines

Hurray for big spaces! And too many pictures! -floodspam-

Because ninja posting is just so in right now~

So the story goes, Janice goes back to uni after her bowl of chilli noodles, having learnt her lesson.. she goes back to the same $4.50 noodle shop and orders noodles.

Then at the end of her line, she says to the girl "I want everything except chilli"...

There no point being all deep and enigmatic because simply I am not. People all have parts of their personalities that everyone would see and other parts that they don't show as much. Like one of my friends
had said to me, you can be friends with someone for 6 years and still not know the deeper stuff about them.
Nothing outside of 'she kicks you when you poke her nose'.

... 5 secs later, the girl puts chilli and nothing else into her noodles. ... what. the. fuck?

Which part of "Everything but chilli" didn't that girl understand? ... :/ Janice rage. :(

Although who we choose to let in to our hearts and consequently our secrets are entirely personal, most can take a guess. Perhaps I've been watching too much Evangelion but I can't help but feel the confusing logic in that anime makes a little bit of sense.

All her chilli ended up in Vic's noodles, cept the chilli oil. She managed to eat half of it before dying. ... again. x___X
People blocking others out because they fear betrayal and they fear the pain of rejection. As a result they end up lonely and isolated. I suppose I can understand that conflicting feeling. Investing trust into someone, only to have it all fall down and each piece of debris squeezing the mere ounces of feelings left in your heart. The numbness, the confusion, the hate and the hurt. I just couldn't be what I wasn't no matter how hard I pretended.
How embarrassing. From then on, she learnt, at the end of the line, she should just get nothing. =.=

In all other news, panda hats are the new... panda hats. People seem to stare at you a lot when you wear something out of the ordinary.
Feelings. Emotions. I am in no way an expert on them. It becomes a conscious decision to root myself to the spot when talking to an emotional person. It takes more to respond empathetically, and not rebuff them with the cold logic that has accompanied me since I was young.

Although Vic is one angry panda.

It isn't hard to be detached.. the problem is not to be. Another decision is not to be selfish and return the love you get given. But still I fear...

... betrayal.
Lies can change a person. It takes much more to bring someone out of a shell than just words. And a far greater effort when they have walls instead of a thin paper.
... I am not much better at all =.=
Maybe I've always been stubborn and selfish with my love... trying not to feel too much, so it doesn't hurt as much just in case. That just in case, a haunting reminder.

I am a fail, dodgy motion blur and too much flash panda.

Shun is the how the fuck did I get dragged into this panda ...

So why love when it's all so painful? Why pay the effort? I guess to me the burden of being alone is more taxing than having love and support. Even though giving away secret after secret is scary and dangerous, the feeling of being cherished and cared for outweighs the risk.

He was wearing it rather proudly on the train. :D the shit he puts up with ^^

I swear, those guys ARE NOT wearing pants.

And only retards drink taro milk tea... well milf tea.You'll see


Maybe it's foolish of me to love, but it could be more foolish to be too afraid to take another's hand and miss what it could be. After all, you never know until you try. Although people part when things don't work out, you won't know until you get together.

That so says milf...
This flimsy logic obviously don't extend to marriage, but problems in the future are inevitable. It's sadder to not have a future at all than taking the chance.

In other news, I finally made the haxor Cross Pike :3 It's so ninja and so awesome. XD cept I am not fit for equiping pikes =( -sigh-

Thanks for everything you've taught me. And the understanding that I am quite a flawed human. =]

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Yeah that pictures does in fact show a weirdo dressed in a giant white sheet pretending to be a Greek god while running around with thongs at Glenny train station. ~ no comment. I believe, it's called a TOGA

Aside from playing too much Restaurant City... sleeping and avoiding work... I managed to get Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce. :3 It was really addictive the first like ~ say 16 hours of game play because you can fly and jump around 4 times your own height. ~ not to mention everyone gets a ultra shiny fury mode that turns you into a Super Saiyan with OVER 9000 POWAAAAAAAAH.

Then the game got hideously hard and I realised it was made for co-op. The further I get, the more I am starting to think it will take severe amounts of grinding and about 100 elixirs to get through the game. ...pity I can only have a max of 10 on me each time...

The other highlight? THERE'S A PANDA IN IT! And it goes "Kyuuuun" while you feed it meatbuns :D

Aside from my obsession with my psp now. I decided to challenge chilli on Tuesday. Because Vic told me to. Well not really, the before lunch conversation kinda went like this.

Janice: "Is the chilli hot?" ~ lol? wth was I thinking?
Vic: "Nah, it's more sweet." ~ ...Janice is such a retard :P

So gathering up my courage stupidity, I went and bought a bowl of noodles from that noodle shop that Fang's family supposedly runs... and it came out looking like this.

I feel like such a pussy because it doesn't even look that bad here. Cept the fact there are heaps of red chilli oil floating around. I thought it was harmless until I took a bite and swallowed.


My sinuses decided to commit suicide because it burned so much. So in short...

Janice -uses nom on noodles-
It's not very effective :(
Noodles - uses chilli oil
It's super effective ... 9999 damage.

Janice: waaah X___X

Well... my conclusion? I'm never gonna trust anyone that tells me chilli isn't hot. It's called chilli for a reason... it's peppers that aren't hot. But who eats noodles with peppers?

In other news, I am gay. Because Vic felt so guilty he went and bought me another bowl of noodles...with my money.



Yes, there's a whole rack of them here. They are $13 each while Swinny sells them for $9. Melbourne is such a jew school :(

And I am sure Shun just creamed his pants :P Which is why I put them here in the first place. But I am sure I am better at making him cream his pants

In all other news, I got a hair cut...

And that is... not me! :D Just some other Asian eating at Goshen and looking up all stoned like when someone went to take pictures >___>