Yeah that pictures does in fact show a weirdo dressed in a giant white sheet pretending to be a Greek god while running around with thongs at Glenny train station. ~ no comment. I believe, it's called a TOGA
Aside from playing too much Restaurant City... sleeping and avoiding work... I managed to get Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce. :3 It was really addictive the first like ~ say 16 hours of game play because you can fly and jump around 4 times your own height. ~ not to mention everyone gets a ultra shiny fury mode that turns you into a Super Saiyan with OVER 9000 POWAAAAAAAAH.
Then the game got hideously hard and I realised it was made for co-op. The further I get, the more I am starting to think it will take severe amounts of grinding and about 100 elixirs to get through the game. ...pity I can only have a max of 10 on me each time...
The other highlight? THERE'S A PANDA IN IT! And it goes "Kyuuuun" while you feed it meatbuns :D
Aside from my obsession with my psp now. I decided to challenge chilli on Tuesday. Because Vic told me to. Well not really, the before lunch conversation kinda went like this.
Janice: "Is the chilli hot?" ~ lol? wth was I thinking?
Vic: "Nah, it's more sweet." ~ ...Janice is such a retard :P
So gathering up my courage stupidity, I went and bought a bowl of noodles from that noodle shop that Fang's family supposedly runs... and it came out looking like this.I feel like such a pussy because it doesn't even look that bad here. Cept the fact there are heaps of red chilli oil floating around. I thought it was harmless until I took a bite and swallowed.
My sinuses decided to commit suicide because it burned so much. So in short...
It's not very effective :(
Noodles - uses chilli oil
It's super effective ... 9999 damage.
Janice: waaah X___X
Well... my conclusion? I'm never gonna trust anyone that tells me chilli isn't hot. It's called chilli for a reason... it's peppers that aren't hot. But who eats noodles with peppers?
In other news, I am gay.
And I am sure Shun just creamed his pants :P Which is why I put them here in the first place. But I am sure I am better at making him cream his pants
In all other news, I got a hair cut...

And that is... not me! :D Just some other Asian eating at Goshen and looking up all stoned like when someone went to take pictures >___>
Finally admitted to playing too much R.C
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