...Because a picture is worth a 1000 words. Then again, if I do sit myself down and spend an invigorating hour writing 1000 words for you, dear stalker of my blog, I DOUBT YOU'LL READ IT! You'll probably be like tl;dr, I know you will. Yes you, Benjamin Brown. I'm looking right at you and that 7/10 of my ice cream. =stares=
So you may ask.. what's with that stoned O____O face?

Answer is absolutely nothing, I've just run dry in my wells of creativity, which is about as deep as your average puddle. -shrug- moving on. I feel like ranting after VISTA decided to cut my dota game short by automatically restarting itself... stupid jew. I bet it planned that. Next thing you know, it'll sabotage my alarm and kill me in my sleep. -insert appropriate measure of industrial strength paranoia-
... so today, I want to talk to you about how popular I am with the ladies... -refer to below-

I don't get why all my spam happens to be erotic ads from the same site all just using different names. And I don't get why anyone would want to do it with Emma. She's got herpes you know. :/ As for Anouska nd Aaliyah... did these names like came from WOW?
IF they did, they probably belong to some kinky night elf running around in her undies. Behind that character is probably a very obese, 34 yo male with a delicious habit of scratching his left armpit, 3 inches to the left, when he gets nervous.
Has society all degenerated into a bunch of sex starved rabbits? I mean fornication is just an act... you have a pair of hands. USE THEM. D:
... and then I realised I still haven't addressed the issue that they all think I'm a guy. -silence- but that's ok... you know why?

... =) Your dad told me.
True story bro. (Y)