(The day before the exciting beach day, I went chilling in a shed. It was dark and fun. I don't think I'll ever forget it. =])
And now, on to the beautiful day at St Kilda beach. Three hapless teenagers, one without a notable blog decided they'd journey to St Kilda beach and spread some boredom there. Hence early at 10 something they boarded the 623 bus and took up all the room at the back.
The bus trip itself was a thoroughly invigorating experience.So invigorating...they both started gaming at the back. =.=
Anyways, the beach was a fantastic bottle of fun. There was sand everywhere... in my toes, down my pants, in Shun's hair, down Tina's dress, squelching in my thongs, passing through their thongs...simply put...bloody sand everywhere. Crusty sand, seaweed filled sand, stinky sand, sand with money in it, sand castle sand, wet sand, dry sand, in your undies sand, pervert sand, quick sand - ok maybe not quick sand, but you get it. It was like a desert on a coast.. or something poetic like that.
And of course, what beach is complete without bloody seagulls? Those losers won't eat my panadol ....or my mints. Smart buggers. After a feeding frenzy we were literally surrounded by seagulls. It was very creepy and Shun was like some crusty seagull mistral.Here I'll introduce the secret technique No. 39 The Squatting for Seagulls technique that just attracts them by the dozens. See that satisfied smile on his face? That's one happy and leet seagull squatter. But you'd expect it...he squats all the bloody time...
See, on three separate occasions in the same time frame of 2-3 hours, he squatted like 3 times... and in the 3rd frame, he pulled off the Seagull attraction squat... see that smile... Oh did you know Shun's a mermaid? I even have a picture to prove it, but I'm scared that he'd take my life away if I posted it...so I guess I won't. Tina'd probably just laugh... yeah I know she will. >=]
Of course...the day can't go smoothly without burying me. So they did... wrapped me up like a towel mummy and starting throwing sand all over me. Let me tell you, it's a very weird experience. Firstly you get fine sprays of sand all over your face each time they add something. Secondly, the sand tickles when it rolls off... and thirdly, if your friend is a knob, they'd sit on you. Just like Shun the Squatta here... who sat on me...and pissed me off...so I got up and tried to tackle him...
I did...Shun did and I am not sure about Tina. Because he was so nice...he bought us ice creams while we ran a toilet trip. :) Dinner at China Bar... involved a slave boy cutting up my chicken. Hahah...cause I am too lazy to do it myself.
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