Friday, April 2, 2010

You obviously can't read.

What I wanted to say yesterday, was that somehow you've become the most charming thing in my life... Something I want to spend time with constantly, which at times gives birth to irrational feelings when not satisfied.

I am not unhappy. I do not want to break up. What makes me unhappy and sad is the fact you bring that up so easily and throw the notion around like fruit.

I do not want to let go and be detached again, walking around like strangers that just met. I am in love with you and I want to be with you. Even though it might be a bit late and the damage already done... I want you to know I feel very connected to you. To deny that attachment is to deny our existence.

You may question this a thousand times, then do it. It is your nature anyway. I just ask that you don't force me into a corner to get me to speak and then joke when I finally want to talk. That hurts more than anything else.

If it isn't clear enough, I want to be with you because you are the sole existence in my life that can make me experience such vivid emotions. Be it pain or just the euphoria of being near you. I don't want to give any of that up...