The more I hang around 2009, the more I notice things that I normally don't notice. And well I must say I'm the biggest stalker on earth and I do take a lot of random pictures with my phone, so one day, I'm definitely going to get sued. Still... there are so much bizzare things going on... I do agree I've been living underneath a rock.Well this was on the 8am Glen Waverley train to uni, where it gets packed with people after the first few stations and still MOAR people want to get on. Beeecause, when you are all nice and close, groping becomes so much easier. >__>
Yeah I bet you'd hate to be on the train with me because, one I'm weird and annoying; two I'd take photos of you without you noticing. My reach is so vast that I got the lady in the other set of seats reading her neighbour's newspaper in a leisurely lounge that expresses boredom, while she's pretty interested on the inside. Get your own~~
As for the foreground... that's a lady writing what I thought was poetry at first, but then after some -cough- nonchalant glances, it turns out she was writing down a page of prayers. And well.. I thought that was random, she topped it off and pulled out a tin bible.No joke... it's a tin O.o
As for a few sets of seats away, lady newspaper finally put away her less than $5 asset after noticing her private good was being turned into a public good and the benefits devoured by the lady next to her through some hardcore free riding. So... lady nonchalant realises her paper is gone, decides to glance out the window to ease her boredom.
And so we move on to my question of life at the moment... why don't hobos steal fire hydrants?Having turned up to my tute too early, I poked around outside the tute room and realised...the fire hydrants are just hung on the wall. Sure that's all for easy access in an emergency (mind you there's like a binding plastic thing that probably needs to be cut with scissors, unless the hulk is around, I doubt people carry scissors in fires). STILL... from the way they just leave them lying around, I wonder why bums don't come and steal it then sell it on ebay or something.
I guess only someone as stupid as me would do something like stealing a fire hydrant >.> Hmm I also have vague memories of that building being on fire alert mode last year during my tute. I thought it was a joke too, turns out it was actually on fire. ~ oh well :P one less fire hydrant can't hurt ...

No, I don't dig girls ok? But was pretty hot. Pity I was rushing to my tute in a building covered in jizz and aids...otherwise I might have stayed longer to take a video rather than a picture.
BUT, I BET MONASH DOESN'T HAVE THAT!... or tutors that wears see through shirts and black bras. :)
I sound like a raving lesbian. =/ That's uncool...

Then again, so are squishy physique and cheese coloured t-shirts. Plus too much emo mascara and baboon cheeks. I didn't snap the face, that's asking for rape. >.> but it's unsavoury all the same.


These are love. I recently just got one ... recently means really 2 hours ago. And aside from the evil side effects of headbands they are really quite lovely. :3 Now I have sufficient excuse to pretend I'm 12 :) thanks to a certain kind, generous person. <3>
So, first off, I lol'd.
Boo, those trains look so random and crowded, I'd hate that... I take the bus a lot, and it can get pretty crowded, but at least its organized and crowded.
I haxor'd my phone... Before, regardless of the volume setting you had on,it made a very large "SNAP" every time you took a picture (For privacy issues)... yeah, I went in a and physically removed that... hehehe.
:S have you ever been grouped on the train? that would be so fucked up...
As for the fire extinguishers... People THINK about taking them all the time. They rarely do though. Subconsciously, they know Karma would fuck them over... they'd take it, and a week later, they'd be in that area again when a fire happened... they'd reach for it to put it out and be like "AWWWWW FUCK!".
TO the point: Jelly Wrestling. Thats fucking hot. You know you like it.
"Pity I was rushing to my tute in a building covered in jizz and aids..." That made it sound like you where rushing to the building and YOU where covered in Jizz and Aids. For a moment, I thought you MIGHT have stayed to watch the Jelly Wrestling. :P.
Fat people are everywhere, get over it! and lol @ Grape Legs.
And that is pretty cute! OMG You can be a loli again!!!!!
No jailbait though..
to think Jaryth actually reads my blog XD
My phone doesn't make a noise, it's a ninja phone :DDDD
and no, aside from the accident bumpings on the train where we touch hands awkwardly I haven't been groped yet.
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