Lately... I've been feeling lazy. So really, the details of my life became a bit too much to remember. Though a few observations here and there aren't too demanding. There is something wrong with the picture by the way...
I noticed I love watching people... and it sounds very stalkery. Still~ I did happen to notice...
Everyone seems to be aiming for tight clothes these days. Sure maybe it stops certain people's clothes from turning into tents and a circus amusement, at times when it gets too tight it becomes unflattering. People really shouldn't buy jeans that are 2 sizes too small and squeeze into them because the way it hugs their ass is hot... because their ass might be so hot it melts plastic benches, what's above it is ... not

And there concludes another chapter of my life. I am quite sure I'm still scared of spiders tho... however unresponsive I was. Some people are just slow I guess...
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