o.O I don't have a clue..
Anyways~ As I embarked on my trek, I visited many many different Purikura Boutiques. Aside from being excellent for burning callories, my sacred pilgrimage was nothing but a waste of time. :)
That was until I stumbled across this particular pink machine...
If you can't seem to see it well, don't worry, you can try enlarging that. But why bother... The next few shots will really really, make you shit bricks. If not... you might burst a blood vessel or two and throw up some lols along with last night's broccoli.
As you see... Elton Lee, has fervently defended his TB-ness as something completely normal, and denies his royal TB, sparkly pink glittered linage due to the lack of participation in the arts of PhotoStickerCamWhoring. PSCW for short. Because of the lack of physical evidence, we are unable to pin him as the biggest TB to ever walk the earth.
How disappointing. ~ but that was until the arrival of this pink machine.
If you look closely, there happens to be a familiar face amongst the many glorious portraits plastered on the sides, all in their naked, innovative TB glory.
I shat bricks when I realised Elton occupied not one but THREE of those prints. O.o

~ It is fabled the savriour of the worlds will be born this eve, with the Mark of the Stars on his hand. ..And 100 Kg of all purpose silver/pink blend Glitter.

Neko Elton...TB Neko to be precise.
~ I heard inhaling the sparkles grants the inhaler eternal life.

Bow down to him, kiss his feet. See that tiara? HE'S A FCKING QUEEN
..What's with the bananas?
~ Consequently, while looking around for that sceptre, I happened to find it labled under "Green Mardi Gra Scepter" Sold here
Elton is a TB.
=End Report=
highlight here~ Down
disclaimer: Janice Chen takes no responsibility in the truthfulness behind this post nor for any defamation as a result of the contents in this post, all resources obtained from here