Sunday, April 26, 2009

Know Thy TB~

omgaaaa~~ lyke...the contrast makes me so prettttttty xoxoxox

Upon randomy exploring the delicious culture known as TB and getting rather fat on their sparkly diets. I decided to take it one step further and investigate the legend known as Sticker Photos or Photo Stickers... wait. Which one is it?

o.O I don't have a clue..

Anyways~ As I embarked on my trek, I visited many many different Purikura Boutiques. Aside from being excellent for burning callories, my sacred pilgrimage was nothing but a waste of time. :)


That was until I stumbled across this particular pink machine...

When you see it, you'll shit bricks

If you can't seem to see it well, don't worry, you can try enlarging that. But why bother... The next few shots will really really, make you shit bricks. If not... you might burst a blood vessel or two and throw up some lols along with last night's broccoli.

As you see... Elton Lee, has fervently defended his TB-ness as something completely normal, and denies his royal TB, sparkly pink glittered linage due to the lack of participation in the arts of PhotoStickerCamWhoring. PSCW for short. Because of the lack of physical evidence, we are unable to pin him as the biggest TB to ever walk the earth.

How disappointing. ~ but that was until the arrival of this pink machine.

If you look closely, there happens to be a familiar face amongst the many glorious portraits plastered on the sides, all in their naked, innovative TB glory.

I shat bricks when I realised Elton occupied not one but THREE of those prints. O.o

~ It is fabled the savriour of the worlds will be born this eve, with the Mark of the Stars on his hand. ..And 100 Kg of all purpose silver/pink blend Glitter.

Neko Elton...TB Neko to be precise.
~ I heard inhaling the sparkles grants the inhaler eternal life.

Bow down to him, kiss his feet. See that tiara? HE'S A FCKING QUEEN
..What's with the bananas?
~ Consequently, while looking around for that sceptre, I happened to find it labled under "Green Mardi Gra Scepter" Sold here

Elton is a TB.

=End Report=

highlight here~ Down
disclaimer: Janice Chen takes no responsibility in the truthfulness behind this post nor for any defamation as a result of the contents in this post, all resources obtained from here

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Dialing the Wrong Number

Because Yew Fai wanted it...

There's no significance in the grass cept green is suppose to calm you down. But it's not like I'm not calm.. it's more like the thoughts in my head stirs me a little.

They don't seem to be so calm.

It all starts with why? One why can unmake your world and you start to think about everything else. The voice, the memories and all those dislocated fragments that makes you wonder even more... why?

Take a left turn... to find perhaps I'm barking up the wrong tree or talking to wrong person? Disassociation solves all problems right?

Still it's hardly a problem. I lost half of myself to it already. I flip open my sandwich...


Bob is still there.


something borrowed. return in due time.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Drunken Saga

It all started with this...
Looks like some slightly tinted water right? Wrong. It's rice wine. It reaaaaally doesn't taste that good and gives you weird dreams. The weird sort where you think you are awake cept not. Then next thing you know, something close to raptor Jesus is chasing after you.

Not quite, but still.

So the story came to be, I visited the House of Lu on Saturday. Out of slight interest on what it feels like, we/he decided to get drunk. When you discount all else like metabolism and alcohol tolerance, I'll still get drunk faster since I'm just thaaat much shorter smaller than him.

So after beer and his dad's hardcore rice wine, my head was rolling around my shoulders. I'm quite sure I did some reaaaaaally random shit that I normally wouldn't do. Like pretending I'm a cat, running around flailing, loudly claiming I'm not drunk, telling him I'm a rock type pokemon, something else, dancing the can can, drinking the elixir of life, stabbing harry potter, stealing the philosopher's stone, faunicating, whale hunting, stooge stomping, jackassing, midget punting ... etc~ The factual content of the above is highly questionable.

No I invite you to question it.

Since I still couldn't sleep off the alcohol in his room when 7 something rolled around, Being a nice person, Shun decided to take me home so I don't walk off into the woods on the wrong stop.

asdfg@#$%!...why is he so happy?

You know.. because of that, I've been having VERY fcken weird dreams these few nights? Or maybe it wasn't because of that but the fact that I'm just slightly queer in the mind or been playing too much games before I sleep. o.o LIKEEEEE ~

The one where I was on a bus with a bunch of people, all standing around the ticket validation machine thing and sticking our tickets in... then everyone was asking "Why are there no stuns?"

Cause: Probably Dota

Or the one where I got this weird T-shaped scar on my stomach and it had heaps of stitches on it. Then along comes my mum... pinned me down and cut all my stitches lose. I was like "asdfg... what the fudge are you doing?"

Then mum was like "Don't worry you'll be fine". I'm quite sure the next bit my insides prolly fell out and went to buy ice cream, but the dream ended before then. It was pretty messed up...

Cause : probably Yew Fai.

Or the one where I'm on the bus alone and a guy suddenly appears and tries to sell me shoes. I told him I don't need shoes and he got aggro and chased me off the bus into the streets. Then I ran into this weird looking house and a bunch of people were trying to run an antique cafe.

Cause: no ideaaaa.

Did I learn my lesson?

With a boyfriend like this would I?

So off we went again, yesterday. Through Dandenong at 7:40pm, with a bottle of ... non-alcoholic grape drink :3 I still don't get why Shun looks so darn happy.


Must be the studded condoms he got to make him feel like a stud. <3

Friday, April 10, 2009



comfort. It feels empty and it hurts.

Monday, April 6, 2009


It's odd to feel that way again... after I haven't had this strange feeling in a while. The kind where you sit calmly and realise you are lonely, then wonder if you are in fact, feeling sad. It's another one of those rare moments where I'd dwell on the various aspects of my life again, finally having the time to reflect.

And all the contemplating starts. One thought after another, linking them into a web of memories. Some things I rather remember, others I want to forget. No matter how far the thoughts go, one always circles back. This bitter sweet emptiness that's foreign but at the same time nostalgic.

This oddity of a void, that masks everything in a deathly stillness. Devoid of opinion and emotion. I start to wonder if we laugh to feel less empty; see friends to feel less lonely and dream to pass the time? Do we pretend to be things we are not because it's easier than facing reality?

There's obviously some sort of meaning you write into my life, otherwise I won't feel so odd without your presence... like I'm slowly slipping and losing sight on what I want and what I am.

"We dream so we don't have to be apart for so long". - I can't stop thinking about this sentence and the value behind it...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Banana top skirts ...

Hurray for my non-existent sense of creativity.

If the title sounds familiar, it's only because I've been listening to a song that inspired it. I am so epic lame.

Lately I've been noticing... after going out for dinners on too many occasions and having the same crap all the time. Oysters look like certain things. But that's probably because I've been hanging around Dramatica too much. It also happens, when I google that place, it's the second link... surprisingly.

Anyways, there's nothing substantial in this entry... cept I hate you. YES YOU!

You, happen to be that @(#% moron on the tram, that takes up TWO seats in one go. Observe.

That's quite the douche behaviour.

And I'm only stalking because it was so unnecessary and I was standing the whole time, while this guy was leisurely sitting on two seats. If I was any more adventurous, I would have gone and sat on his lap. But that would have been really awkward.

Do you know what else is unnecessary tho? On purpose accidental showcasing of undergarments.

Ok like seriously... is there a need to show your bra off to every single horny, never getting laid, desperate marketing boy and girl that's sitting behind you? Even tho it's quite the purple CK bra... I don't think wearing such a low cut dress to uni is entirely necessary.

Unless of course, it's like I assumed, you bought one that's like 3 sizes larger so it'd hang off your back in a oh so sexy manner. I was so excited... I left to go home.

Dear Random Trendy Boy that walked onto my bus:

How enchanting you would have been,
If you pocket wasn't hanging out of your jeans.

Like a shrivelled-

Much -heart- and lols

Just like everything, this entry is pretty unnecessary, I just felt like whinging a little and taking stalkery photos.

Even my kitty has an opinion to all this.


Needless to say, to facepalm while sleeping, takes a considerable amount of skill.
