Hurray for my non-existent sense of creativity.
If the title sounds familiar, it's only because I've been listening to a song that inspired it. I am so

Anyways, there's nothing substantial in this entry... cept I hate you. YES YOU!
You, happen to be that @(#% moron on the tram, that takes up TWO seats in one go. Observe.

And I'm only stalking because it was so unnecessary and I was standing the whole time, while this guy was leisurely sitting on two seats. If I was any more adventurous, I would have gone and sat on his lap. But that would have been really awkward.
Do you know what else is unnecessary tho? On purpose accidental showcasing of undergarments.
Ok like seriously... is there a need to show your bra off to every single horny, never getting laid, desperate marketing boy and girl that's sitting behind you? Even tho it's quite the purple CK bra... I don't think wearing such a low cut dress to uni is entirely necessary.
Unless of course, it's like I assumed, you bought one that's like 3 sizes larger so it'd hang off your back in a oh so sexy manner. I was so excited... I left to go home.
Dear Random Trendy Boy that walked onto my bus:
How enchanting you would have been,
If you pocket wasn't hanging out of your jeans.
Like a shrivelled-
Much -heart- and lols
Do you know what else is unnecessary tho? On purpose accidental showcasing of undergarments.

Unless of course, it's like I assumed, you bought one that's like 3 sizes larger so it'd hang off your back in a oh so sexy manner. I was so excited... I left to go home.

How enchanting you would have been,
If you pocket wasn't hanging out of your jeans.
Like a shrivelled-
Much -heart- and lols
Just like everything, this entry is pretty unnecessary, I just felt like whinging a little and taking stalkery photos.
Even my kitty has an opinion to all this.
Even my kitty has an opinion to all this.

Needless to say, to facepalm while sleeping, takes a considerable amount of skill.
Needless to say, to facepalm while sleeping, takes a considerable amount of skill.
You meant Oysters look like Vagina's right?
Ohhhh fuck yeah. People that do that... I saw this one guy get on the bus like to days ago, bus was packed... a couple got up and left, leaving two seats open (within the packed bus) he wandered over, took off his backpack, put it on the outer seat, and sat on the inner seat, so no on else could sit down. Ass. I had a seat though... so its all good. Not to mention, if I saw a very pretty girl like you needing a seat, I'd usually give mine up. Not so that I could stand up and hit on you or anything, no no, I just dont like seeing a child have to stand :P. loli.
"every single -- boy and girl"
:( I took offense to that... meany!
Maybe you need to show off more bra! lol... Im sorry, this is going to a BIT to harsh... 3 sizes to big? so... like a 4 then? XD Im kidding!
lol, vagina pocket.
Yes to the first comment XD
I love how it says 1 comments on my blog. =P
I hate people like that, useless. But I didn't really care, it was just something to rant about because my bag happened to be unusually heavy that day. =(
I am not loli... tho lately I've been running around randomly shouting "Onii-sama" at Shun >.>
Okok I'm sorry about that every single boy and girl comment, but lols, it wasn't like you were in the lecture theatre with her. For the record, she sat on a chair with a red stain on it. It looked like period :P
haha oyster pocket.
MY CAT IS EPIC! He should totally deserve his own caturday pic :P
You could totally make him a Caterday pic!!! He would fit in quite nicely.
No no... your not a loli.. you just look like one. And maybe play one on TV. Oh wait, thats Doctors.
Onii-sama? wow... thats... so very lame of you XD.
And lol. Im sure it was comfy though... regardless if it looked like she period'd herself.
lol vagina pocket.
everyone loves vagina pockets XD
can if anyone can make'd be you :P
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