It all started with this...

So the story came to be, I visited the House of Lu on Saturday. Out of slight interest on what it feels like, we/he decided to get drunk. When you discount all else like metabolism and alcohol tolerance, I'll still get drunk faster since I'm just thaaat much
So after beer and his dad's hardcore rice wine, my head was rolling around my shoulders. I'm quite sure I did some reaaaaaally random shit that I normally wouldn't do. Like
No I invite you to question it.
Since I still couldn't sleep off the alcohol in his room when 7 something rolled around, Being a nice person, Shun decided to take me home so I don't walk off into the woods on the wrong stop.

You know.. because of that, I've been having VERY fcken weird dreams these few nights? Or maybe it wasn't because of that but the fact that I'm just slightly queer in the mind or been playing too much games before I sleep. o.o LIKEEEEE ~

The one where I was on a bus with a bunch of people, all standing around the ticket validation machine thing and sticking our tickets in... then everyone was asking "Why are there no stuns?"
Cause: Probably Dota

Or the one where I got this weird T-shaped scar on my stomach and it had heaps of stitches on it. Then along comes my mum... pinned me down and cut all my stitches lose. I was like "asdfg... what the fudge are you doing?"
Then mum was like "Don't worry you'll be fine". I'm quite sure the next bit my insides prolly fell out and went to buy ice cream, but the dream ended before then. It was pretty messed up...
Cause : probably Yew Fai.

Cause: Probably Dota

Or the one where I got this weird T-shaped scar on my stomach and it had heaps of stitches on it. Then along comes my mum... pinned me down and cut all my stitches lose. I was like "asdfg... what the fudge are you doing?"
Then mum was like "Don't worry you'll be fine". I'm quite sure the next bit my insides prolly fell out and went to buy ice cream, but the dream ended before then. It was pretty messed up...
Cause : probably Yew Fai.

Cause: no ideaaaa.
Why is he always so happy? Drunk girls are much more open to... ideas ;). Also, they tend to remember a lot less. Example: you! XD.
As long as you had fun...... I USE SOLAR BEAM! ITS SUPER EFFECTIVE! Take that you rock type ass! XD
.. that sounds wrong. But still...
I USE SANDSTORM so you can't charge up your LASERRRRRRR.
-falcon ... PUNCHHHHHH-
I use baseball bat. its super effective against little asian girls! Also, msg me on msn with the juciy details! XD
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