And so at times, life thinks to itself that it'd be hilarious if it drops shit in your life. In this particular day, that said feaces came in the form of my aunty... who I don't even talk to or live with.
The woman came into my room, unprovoked. Then in a fit of frothing rage that probably spawned in a severe case of ego in the anus causing painstaking hemorrhoids that are the size of square shaped watermelons... started to criticise everything I do.
Apparently in her little bubble of a mind, if I play games, it qualifies as the automatic failure of life. She obviously failed to notice her total lack of social life or etiquette (such as not spewing verbal diarrhea as soon as she goes to her sister's house) also fits the perfect description of a monumental failure to society.
In short, her brilliant demonstration in that she cares about her extended family by irrelevantly sticking her nose in other people's business and farting out of her mouth rates her as the top shit aunty of the year. Go figure. I still have no respect for you by the way. =)
In short. Izzy will still squeak when poked at and play games. Because she does things her own way... and she will succeed in her own way. Therefore, she does not require comments from some female with her ego shoved so far up her ass, that she can't take anything but compliments with 3 cubes of sugar in telling her what's right in life.
I may seek approval, but I don't need approval to live.
... that and I'm ranked 1337 in maple~

And yes, this entry is severely rude and disrespectful to my elders. But I have no respect for her at the start, so it doesn't really matter. I encourage her to find this page. AUDRY WU. I hope you look up your own name in google and find this.
I even encourage you to come storming into my house and curse my liver, because there is so much more I can say to you which I have no said, because I respect the peace in my family.
IN short. DU MA :D
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