Thursday, July 31, 2008

Stroking one's ego...

The day you decide to stick your head into a lion's mouth you will find that you will never intentionally try to irritate the beast. My mother lacks the common sense to string together this connection.

I do feel rather evil right now, I have all the blackmailing rights I need and just a slight bit of morals not to use it and blast her off the surface of the planet. Today, things are so more sibling like than parental... Was she trying to teach me a harsh lesson on punctuality? If so it didn't work very well... she's strapped herself up in a dynamite since my grandparents are rather...displeased. (read:they are veeery angry)

It's such a delicate situation I know if I add a little touch of my own the whole tower will unmake itself. Ah well, at least I don't stoop that low to score a blow in terms of retaliation. I wonder if I'll bear a grudge against her... they do say revenge is a dish best served cold... still, cold fish is gross unless it's sushi. And these days, I don't eat sushi often.

Lesson here... I should be more organised and never plot against my own family members, no matter how much they are been a pain in the ass. Unless of course, they make you read around 84 pages of notes to catch up on a lecture. That's something... and if karma existed, they'll get their own.

I think I'll just sit out and watch tonight. My grandma has been grumbling all morning... pity I won't be home when mum is getting grilled =(

And for that moment of gleefully evil thoughts, I just realised someone has to pick me up after work... well, shit.

...that and I realised, my mum has no sense of humour. Which posts the next question, am I even related to her?