Sunday, August 17, 2008

You dirty dirty whore

You know on of those "oh shi-" moments where you are so shocked you don't even get to finish the shit... well yeah I just had one of those. Not because I am sick and have spent my day in a slight stupor of delirium and basically dedicated my morning to been educated in the finer arts of life.

Trivia = quiche. (read: quickie)

Course that makes total sense to the mass public. It took me a while to get it too.

Anyway, three cheers for being sidetracked. Back to the point. Which I must say, I've never had one in the first place.

To start, I'd like to blame Jaryth for his extraordinary remedy fore curing headaches. And secondly I blame my mother. To start, I am going to defend my already down trodden morals by saying the headache went away after a hot shower and the combined power of two different types of paracetamol.

...and no thanks for Jaryth's unorthodox method. xP

As for mum... it's all her fault. =/

You know you are weird when you are the owner of see through lingerie. I mean I had the biggest wtf of my life when I realised when the fabric stretches it goes see through, not to mention the person who got them for me happened to be my mother. O.o

Everything seems to be a little strange when you are sick. I am going to have a lot of fun explaining this one... >>


Unknown said...

wait go back, wtf? When was this? What did I suggest???